Stories by an

artist &



Calm Down Stories HAS a free audio app with original stories that were created and performed live at some very odd hours by an overtired mom, who was desperate to get her kid to calm down so she wouldn’t lose her mind.

4 out of 5 parents

with absolutely no formal training in child psychology recommend these stories to calm your kid down, so you don't go bananas.

the calm down stories are for

-> parents who want more art in their kids lives

-> parents who prefer intellectually nutritious activities for their kids.

-> for parents who value creativity & believe that is an important key of raising a successful adult.


When my son transformed into an unreasonably screaming toddler, I knew it was time to find a solution, because i was near loosing my mind as any “no” said to my son would cause an entire crying spree.

Solution came out of my own mouth when I decided to approach the problem same way as I used to do at MTV, Vh1 and Nickelodeon.

Simple question: “How do I make him click on the email I send his way?” sparked the idea of telling a story.

“Within minutes my son went from total meltdown-to-laughing and curious.

After about a week of telling him calm down stories, instead of going into a crying meltdown my son started to ask me to tell him a story to help him feel better.

After a few months, the meltdowns pretty much went away and the stories became part of our quality time either early in the morning or at bedtime.”


...AND that's how & why
i created
the calm down stories

The stories work to calm down my son,
i hope they work for yours too!

WHO created

Alejandra Leibovich aka aleloop:
An overtired & stressed mom who was desperate to help her little son to snap out of his lizard brain.
Lizard brain=not good.


cALM down stories

this is me
passed out exhausted


CALM down stories

this is me calm, creative & rested!

No focus group has ever told me what they think of these stories because I don’t care.

All I know is that telling my son the stories to calm him down, kept me from losing my mind.

and when I shared them with our friends, and they shared them with their friends – a few of them said the stories sucked, and didn’t help their kids snap out of their lizard brain.

But i think most of those kids probably spend way to much time in front of a TV and they probably eat too much sugar and there is even a rumor floating around that the parents of those kids sometimes lock them in a dark closet, because everyone else who has shared these stories with their kids have told me that these stories were really entertaining, they helped their kids snap out of their lizard brain melt down and they helped the parents have better conversations with their children.


I started recording the stories, so one day i could share them with other parents. I figured if these stories worked for me… perhaps they will work for you too to calm down to kids.
Install the app & listen.
let me know how they work for you!

stories by an

artist &


For Calm Down Stories  FREE APP Please enter

“The stories are really helpful. Curiosity beats drama 99% of the time, and in a minute my daughter is already listening rather than crying”
GD, dad of solange
age 5
“My younger nephew normally sleeps in the room with his brother. I was really worried about how he was going to handle sleeping alone during this trip. When I downloaded Calm Down Stories app and introduced them to him he got absolutely captivated, and then fell asleep with a smile and slept thru the entire night in his own room! Now he is asking me to play them every night. And as an aunt I have to mention that the stories are really good. They’re even fun for adults to listen to. Very happy with the app!”
Zaira, aunt of Julian
age 8

Less screen time. More imagination. More conversations with parents & their children.

Fewer and less intense tantrums.

to get the calm down stories free app please enter

calm down stories

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want a creativity expanding printable kit?

i need less screentime